About NSGO, The NSGO Board, Administration & Working Groups

The Story

The Nordic Society of Gynaecological Oncology was founded in November 1986 in Oslo, by representatives from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. The purpose of the society was, and is still today, to advance communication between the Nordic countries in gynaecological cancer research between Doctors, Professors, Young Doctors and academic Study Nurses.

The Society has since accepted Iceland as a representative, though the population is low to be included in the statistics.

The Baltic Regions – Lithuania & Estonia are associate members of NSGO.

NSGO currently has over 300 members.

The Nordic countries alternate in hosting the NSGO Annual Meeting.


The society aims to enhance the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up practices related to gynaecological cancer, while also promoting and supporting basic and clinical research in this field. Additionally, the society strives to foster education and training in all aspects of gynaecological oncology. 

Our objective is to provide a platform for individual professionals who are devoted to the care of women with gynaecological cancer.  

Furthermore, we encourage and facilitate Nordic and global collaboration and friendship among experts and organizations engaged in the field of gynaecological oncology.


The Nordic Society of Gynaecological Oncology aims to foster cooperation and coordination among professionals in the field of gynaecological cancer.

We promote and conduct collaborative clinical trials while also organizing and coordinating conferences, meetings, and other collaborative activities.

We strive to establish better Nordic Standards of Care for women with gynaecological cancer and produce Nordic Guidelines for professional education and training in gynaecological oncology.

Furthermore, we engage in developing cooperation and relationships with other international, national, and regional organizations working in this field.

The Board of NSGO comprises regular members, with at least two representatives from each of the five Nordic Countries, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway & Sweden.

The elected Board members serve for a two-year term and can be re-elected for an additional two-year term.

The President’s tenure is three years and does not allow for direct re-election.

The President-Elect also serves a three-year term. Upon completing their term as President-Elect, they automatically will assume the role of President. 

The Board oversees & approves applications for the NSGO Research Grant.


Line Bjørge (NO)

Medical Director

Haukeland University Hospital


Trine Jakobi-NØttrup (DK)

Consultant, PhD

Copenhagen University Hospital

Tine Henrichsen-Schnack

Associate professor

Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital

Trine Lembrecht Jørgensen

Associate Professor







OULU University Hospital

Bente Vilming

Consultant, M.D.


Trine Stokstad

Associate professor

Trondheim University Hospital

Hanna Dahlstrand

Senior Consultant, M.D.

Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm

Ulrika Joneborg

Senior Consultant, M.D.

Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm

Anne Ahtikoski

Consultant, M.D.

Turku University Hospital

Jan-Erik Palmgren

Associate professor

Kuopio University Hospital

The Nordic Society of Gynaecological Oncology nominating committee is responsible for identifying and proposing candidates for positions in the NSGO Board, including the President-Elect and Board members.

They consist of one representative from each of the Nordic countries.

Gabriel Lindahl



Cecilie Torkildsen


Jacob Jóhannsson


Lone Kjeld Petersen


Maarit Antila


1988 - present day


Nordic Society of Gynaecological Oncology, Department of Cancer Treatment, 9431 Rigshospitalet Copenhagen University Hospital. Blegdamsvej 9 DK-2100, Copenhagen


Financial Department

Data Protection Officer

HR Department

Office Phone

+45 3545 3389

Monday – Thursday 09.00 – 15.00

Firday 09.00 – 14.00



Financial & Event Coordinator

NSGO Annual Meeting 2024

Stockholm, November 28. - 29. 2024
Registration will open September

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Board Member Profile

Name: Proff. Line Bjørge

E-mail: Line.Bjorge@uib.no

Present position: Line Bjørge holds the position as Medical Director in Gynecologic oncology at Helse Bergen HF and is a professor in Obstetrics and gynecology and principal investigator at the Center for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) at the University of Bergen (UiB). 

Education: She earned her M.D. degree from UiB, her Ph.D. degree from UiB and the University of Helsinki and her MBA degree from ESSEC, Paris, and Mannheim Business School, Mannheim. Her clinical (in Obstetrics and Gynecology, and in Gynecologic Oncology) and post-doctoral research training in cancer immunology took place both in Norway and abroad (Helsinki, Innsbruck and Groningen). 


She has a comprehensive publication list, and her present research activities cover both translational projects as well as clinical trials.

She holds the position as leader of  Onkologisk Forum, is a member of the board for the Oslo Cancer Cluster and is one of two gynecologists on the national second-opinion panel for incurable diseases.

Role in NSGO: President of NSGO and Chair of the foundation of NSGO-CTU

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Trine Jakobi Nøttrup

E-mail: trine.jakobi.noettrup@regionh.dk

Present position:  Chief Oncologist at Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet 

Education: Medical Doctor, cand.med.. The University of Copenhagen and Ph.D. in medicine, from the University of Copenhagen. Currently taking a Master of clinical sexology at Aalborg University


Translational research and publications in breast cancer, gynaecological cancer, prostate cancer, cardiac pathology and gynaecological pathology. Board member of the Finnish clinical cytology society.

Role in NSGO: President-Elect of NSGO and Member of the foundation of NSGO-CTU

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Trine Lembrecht Jørgensen

E-mail: trine.joergensen@rsyd.dk

Present position: Clinical associate professor, senior registrar at the University of Southern Denmark.

Education: MD, Ph.D., University of Southern Denmark.

Other: Board member of the Danish Society of Clinical Oncology (DSKO). She is also a part of the Academy of Geriatric Research (AgeCare), an Elite Research Center in Odense, and is currently the national representative for Denmark in the International Society of Geriatric Research, SIOG 

Role in NSGO: Board member, 

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Anniina Färkkilä

E-mail: anniina.farkkila@hus.fi

Present position: Principal investigator, a specialist in gynecology, University of Helsinki and
Helsinki University Hospital, Finland

Education:MD, PhD, Associate professor in translational gynecologic oncology, University of Helsinki and Postdoctoral fellowship at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School in 2019

Other: In 2018 she was awarded the Seth Wichmann award by the Finnish Gynecologic Society.

Currently, her laboratory focuses on understanding the complexity and cell-cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment using highly multiplexed imaging, advanced bioinformatics, and functional models in ovarian cancer. She is particularly interested in uncovering features that delineate the responses to novel combination- and immunotherapies. 

Role in NSGO:Board member, Member of the NSGO translational working group, NSGO
representative at GCIG

More info about Dr. Färkkilä http://farkkilab.org/ 

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Elina Urpilainen

E-mail: Elina.urpilainen@pohde.fi

Present position: Specialist  in gynecologic oncology, Oulu University Hospital, Finland

Education: Gynecologic Oncology, University of Oulu 2020, Doctor of Medical Science, University of Oulu 2019, Specialist Degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Oulu 2017

Role in NSGO: Board member

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Bente Vilming

E-mail: bente.vilming@ous-hf.no

Present position: Senior consultant at the Department of Gynecological Oncology at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway.

Education: M.D. and Ph.D. degree from the University of Oslo. Ph.D. thesis: Gene expression in ovarian carcinoma and correlation with prognostic factors and survival – A study of mRNA and miRNA profiling and differentiality.

Other: Area of interest: Medical treatment of gynecological cancer.
Main responsibility for the medical treatment of gynecological cancer at the Department of Gynecological Oncology at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital, Norway.

Role in NSGO: Board member

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Trine Stokstad

E-mail: trine.stokstad@stolav.no

Present position:Head of the gynegological cancer department
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
St.Olavs hospital, Trondheim University Hospital

Education:  MD, 1996,
specialist and senior consultant in obstetrics and gynecology, 2002, 
Ph.D., 2019

Role in NSGO: Board member

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Hanna Dahlstrand

E-mail: hanna.dahlstrand@regionstockhol.se

Present position:Senior consultant, Assoc. prof in oncology and gynecologic oncology

Education: A doctoral degree, Ph.D. in Experimental oncology, Karolinska Institutet, 2002. Specialist in Oncology, Dept. of Oncology, Karolinska University Hospital, 2010. Specialist in Gynaecological Oncology, Dept. of Oncology, Karolinska Univ. Hospital 2012 

Other: Senior consultant in oncology and gynecologic oncology at Karolinska University Hospital,
Sweden. Responsible for research and education in gyn. onc at Karolinska, leading as PI in several clinical trials and a member of the National guideline group of ovarian cancer. In 2002 she got Ph.D. in Experimental oncology and is now an associate professor in oncology at Karolinska Institute, with research focusing on the tumor microenvironment
in ovarian cancer.

Role in NSGO: Board member and Treasurer 

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Anne Ahtikoski

E-mail: anne.ahtikoski@varha.fi

Present position: Specialist in pathology. Head of gynaecological pathology at Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland

Education: M.D., Ph.D. from the University of Oulu, Finland. Specialist in pathology and neuropathology from the University of Oulu.


Translational research and publications in breast cancer, gynaecological cancer, prostate cancer, cardiac pathology and gynaecological pathology. Board member of the Finnish clinical cytology society.

Role in NSGO: Board member

Board Member Profile

Name: Dr. Jan-Erik Palmgren

E-mail: Jan-erik.palmgran@pshyvinvointialue.fi

Present position: Medical physicist at Kuopio University Hospital’s cancer center. Specialty and responsibility fields: brachytherapy, stereotactic radiotherapy, and radiotherapy information systems.


Medical physics expert in radiotherapy 2013, medical physicist 2002.Basic medical physics studies and medical physicist residency at Oulu university and Oulu university hospital. Head brachytherapy physicist, at Kuopio university hospital, 2002


Founding member of the Kuopio EMBRACE study group.

Finnish national delegate of IOMP (the International Organization for Medical Physics).

Board member and the President-elect of the Finnish Association of Medical Physicists.

Ex-president and current board member of the National Committee of medical physics and engineering.

16 peer-reviewed publications

Role in NSGO: Board member and Chair of the NSGO Radiotherapy Group

Privacy Policy for NSGO

NSGO treats personal information and complies with the laws and principles of good data processing practices. Therefore, we have adopted this Privacy Policy, which briefly describes how we treat personal information, so legal and transparent processing is ensured.

We are responsible for processing your personal information:

NSGO is the data controller and you can always contact the organization’s data protection officer:

Mansoor Raza Mirza

Nordic Society of Gynecologic Oncology – Clinical Trial Unit
Copenhagen University Hospital
Department of Oncology, 9431
Blegdamsvej 60
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Office phone: +45 35 45 33 78
fax: +45 3545 2898

We treat the following personal information about members:

  • General personal information: For example, contact information such as name, work address, work phone number, private phone number, date of birth, email address, country, work title, date of membership, date of membership termination and cv in relation to membership application. Parts of credit card number via Epay and, if applicable, Bank account number for reimbursement purposes. When applicable, Board Members may be asked to give NSGO copies of other personal documents (for example passport or tax bill) in relation to the Danish Laundering Act.
  • Other information: For example, positions of trust, board membership and other duties in relation to the organization.

We collect personal information from:

Usually we will get the information from you, when you register to become a member of NSGO and when you apply for reimbursements or pay your membership fee

The organization’s legal basis to process personal information:

  • That we as an organization have a (legitimate) interest in processing your information
  • That it is necessary for us to fulfill an agreement with you
  • You have agreed that we can process your information via becoming a member of the

The purpose of processing personal information:

  • That we can run the organization’s activities, including planning, implementing and following up on them
  • To invite to vote for Board and President Elect elections
  • To distribute newsletters
  • To comply with legislation
  • To deliver services, in the form of the possibility to participate in the Annual Meeting, Investigator Meeting and if applicable Strategic Meetings, Board Meetings, Scientific Committee Meetings, Foundation Meetings.
  • To notify members about other Gynecologic Cancer Managing your relationship with the organization
  • To handle your membership rights
  • For you to fulfill your obligations as a member of the organization, including paying the membership fee, etc.
  • Being able to display situation images from a specific event in the organization for instance from NSGO Annual Meetings
  • To maintain historical value data for statistics and the like


When you become a member, we have a legal basis to process your personal information for the (legitimate) interest of the organization. However, it may happen that we judge it necessary to obtain your written consent for other purposes. In that case you will have the opportunity to voluntarily agree, and you may withdraw it at any time by notifying us.

Dispatch of your personal information:

We do not disclose information about you to anyone outside the organization without your consent, however, it should be noted, that if you e.g. accept an invitation to a meeting, your personal information might be forwarded to the meeting location or the meeting organizer. Only personal information relevant for the 3rd party will be disclosed in these circumstances.

Storing and deleting your personal information:

For historical reasons and as your details might be saved in old attendance lists, email correspondence and minutes from meetings, we cannot promise that all personal information about you will be deleted, if you terminate your membership.

Your rights:

You have a number of rights via the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

  • The Right to Information (to be informed what information we process about you)
  • The Right to Rectification (to have false information about you corrected)
  • The Right to Restriction of processing (under certain conditions, to have the processing of your data restricted)
  • The Right to Object (to object to your information being used for wrong purposes)

You may make use of your rights by contacting us. If you submit a request to have your personal information corrected or deleted, we will investigate whether the conditions are met and, in that case, make changes or deletions as soon as possible and, if applicable, also notify our data processors to do so.

You can file a complaint with the supervisory authorities – The Danish ‘Datatilsynet’ – About processing your personal information (www.datatilsynet.dk).

Revision of Privacy Policy:

We reserve the right to change the organization’s privacy policy. When we change privacy policy, we also change the date and version number at the bottom of this document. In case of significant changes, you will receive a notification.

The current privacy policy is always available on our website.

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Privacy Policy for NSGO-CTU

NSGO-CTU treats personal information and complies with the laws and principles of good data
processing practices. Therefore, we have adopted this Privacy Policy, which briefly describes how we treat personal information, so legal and transparent processing is ensured.

We are responsible for processing your personal information:

NSGO-CTU is the data controller and you can contact the organization’s data protection officer:

Mansoor Raza Mirza

Nordic Society of Gynecologic Oncology – Clinical Trial Unit
Copenhagen University Hospital
Department of Oncology, 9431
Blegdamsvej 60
DK-2100 Copenhagen
Office phone: +45 35 45 33 78
fax: +45 3545 2898

We treat the following personal information about personnel participating in NSGO-CTU trials:
• General personal information: For example; contact information such as name, work
address, work phone number, date of birth, email address, country, work title, date of start
of participation and termination in a trial and, if applicable, CV, GCP certificates, records of
training and other qualification data.
• If applicable, financial disclosure forms and/or Bank account number for reimbursement

We collect personal information from:
• We will ask you to provide us the information yourself, when you in decide to take part
in NSGO-CTU trials.
The organization’s legal basis to process personal information:
• That we as an organization have a (legitimate) interest in processing your information, for
example to secure your qualifications in handling the care of the participants in a trial.
• That it is necessary for us to fulfill an agreement with your employer
• You have agreed that we can process your information via signing the delegation log.
The purpose of processing personal information:
• The participation of an investigator or of other individuals in a clinical trial which is being
conducted according to the principals governing clinical research as set out in the
Declaration of Helsinki and with the acceptance of all involved Regulatory Health
Authorities and involved Ethical Committees, requires collection, recording, storage,
transfer and/or other use of personal data (personal data processing).
• Communicate regarding studies.
• To handle payments and reimbursements.
• To comply with legislation.
• To deliver services, in the form of the possibility to participate in the Annual Meeting,
Investigator Meeting.
• To be able to give you access to IT systems, databases, eCRFs etc. related to the functioning
of each individual trial.

When you decide to take part in a NSGO-CTU trial NSGO-CTU either makes a contract with you or
your employer where terms and conditions are described, or if you put your name on the
Delegation Log of a trial, you agree to the information described in this Privacy Policy.
However, it may happen that we judge it necessary to obtain your written consent for other
purposes. In that case you will have the opportunity to voluntarily agree, and you may withdraw it
at any time by notifying us.
Be aware that there are legal bases for certain forms of processing of your data for the abovementioned purposes and that your consent is the only legal basis for other forms of processing.

Dispatch of your personal information:
Depending on your role in a trial, your personal information might be shared with personnel at
other sites, monitors, group staff in other countries, NSGO-CTU office staff, members of NSGO,
CRO staff, Ethics Committees and Competent Authorities, both in Europe, but also in countries
outside the European Economic Area (for example the US). If your data (personal information) has
been transferred, they will be subject to the data protection legislation of the respective country,
also if a less severe data protection law should exist.
We do not disclose information about you to anyone outside the organization without the above
consent, however, it should be noted, that if you e.g. accept an invitation to a meeting, your
personal information might be forwarded to the meeting location or the meeting organizer. Only
personal information relevant for the 3rd party will be disclosed in these circumstances.
Furthermore, your data can be transmitted to public databases for registration, as well as
publication of a trial and your data can be stored and published in those databases.
Storing and deleting your personal information:
For historical reasons and as your details might be saved in old attendance lists, email
correspondence and minutes from meetings, we cannot promise that all personal information
about you will be deleted, when you end your participation in a study. In general, all information
about a trial is deleted at least 20 years after end of study.

Your rights:
You have a number of rights via the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
• The Right to Information (to be informed what information we process about you)
• The Right of Access (to get a print of the information we process about you)
• The Right to Rectification (to have false information about you corrected)
• The Right to Erasure (to delete information we process about you, however, information
already received cannot be deleted)
• The Right to Restriction of processing (under certain conditions, to have the processing of
your data restricted)
• The Right to Object (to object to your information being used for wrong purposes)

You may make use of your rights by contacting us, however, the legality of the processing carried out
prior to e.g., a withdrawal will not be affected. If you submit a request to have your personal
information corrected or deleted, we will investigate whether the conditions are met and, in that
case, make changes or deletions as soon as possible and, if applicable, also notify our data
processors to do so.

If you do not believe that NSGO-CTU handles your data correctly, you can file a complaint with the
supervisory authorities – The Danish ‘Datatilsynet’ – About processing your personal information

Revision of Privacy Policy:
We reserve the right to change the organization’s privacy policy. When we change privacy policy,
we also change the date and version number at the bottom of this document. In case of significant
changes, you will receive a notification.

The current privacy policy for NSGO-CTU is always available on our website.

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